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Roomcap Antenna 20

Roomcap Antenna 20

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HB9AW-8, 136d 4h20m, 438.125MHz 1200 R5m Winlink Gateway ... HB9ABX, 330d 20h13m, in thecar with the Roomcap antenna - a new idea for a small.... Zolojinn Right now I cannot link roomcap antenna your site. We intended to conduct at least 10 contacts on 40 m and afterwards to perform a test on 20 m during.... At 100 watts, antennas can produce significant RF voltages in excess of 1000 volts, especially at coils and ends and corners of wires. When setting up an antenna.... Can anyone tell me about this RoomCap Antenna? The best I can find ... speaking, a 3 foot antenna performswella 1/2 wave vertical 20.. This is a small circular loop antenna (less than a quarter wave in circumference). A five feet (1.5 m) diameter loop can be tuned to 20, 30 and.... Go to here where yo see the the new ROOMCAP antenna. This is not the new ... 15 and 20m for contacts to Europe and within South America.. Felix HB9ABX (the developer of the RoomCap Antenna). BTW: I sent you .... 1. ... Zoom [+] Image Roomcap Antenna 20. Spoiler: roomcap.... speaking, a 3 foot antenna performs as well as a 1/2 wave vertical 20 meter antenna), and if the cost and skill level required for building. Roomcap Antenna in Puerto Rico on 30m and 40m Milton , WP4DQK in Puerto Rico sent me on the second day of this year his experience he made with the.... 20:52, x 1m , on the car on 40m , 13.6.2018 at 23h - ... A new, revolutionary idea allows the construction of small HF antennas. ... 11:27, - with Roomcap 2.mayl 13 h A new, revolutionary idea allows the.... Betreff: Bravo -Room Cap Antenna Datum: Fri, 20 Oct 2006 18:59:12 -0700 (PDT) Von: Paul Ragany VE3UNF ........ An: hb9abx....... Hi Felix :. The Roomcap Antenna. This a very efficient antenna, radiator measures 1m x 1m size. Im video you see the .... Posts: 97. Gender: None specified. Post subject: Roomcap Antenna 20. Posted: Sat 24 Mar 2018 23:52. Zoom [+] Image Roomcap Antenna 20. Spoiler:.. The antenna consists of separate half-wave dipoles for 40, 20, 17 and 10m. (as shown in Fig 4.3), cut to a length of 468 (feet)/frequency. Only the resonant dipole.... CAPACITIVE ANTENNAS. FOR 40m, 30m AND 20m. After all the impressing results with my Magnetic Loop Antennas I was curious about the results with.... HTL for mecanical engineering and worked over 20 years as an ... Left on the Beam is a RoomCap antenna for 80m band with only 1.66m (5.4.... While Googling MicroVert, I came across this HB9ABX "RoomCap" antenna. Does anyone know anything about it? He seems to discuss.... A modified feeding system allowed to include the bands 10-12-15-17-20 with an ... Measured on the new HB9ABX antenna (20m) = (Roomcap antenna).. Roomcap Antenna Pdf -- f40dba8b6f Antenna EH for 7 mhz: Antenne corte per I 20 E 40m, I2VIU: Build a cb packet.... Gen ROOMCAP antenna, using a new idea in this antenna. ... Bands: 160 meters, 80 meters, 40 meters, 30 meters, 20 meters, 17 meters, 15 meters, 12 meters,...


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